Friday, March 12, 2010

Burdened and Broken

I have to share something that has been on my heart before I explode:

Sometimes our hearts get broken. Of course, this can happen as a result of something done to you, but there are times when it’s broken for those around you and you feel helpless. In the past few years, I have experienced several such situations. These situations involved people that I dearly love. Although they also affected me, more importantly, my heart broke for those directly involved. There were times when I felt so burdened that I barely knew how to function. My thoughts were consumed by these things and I was focused more on what I could do to “fix” things (because I am by very nature a “fixer) than what God could do to bring Himself glory. I felt the need to take on everyone’s burden, because that’s what we are called to do, right? Galatians 6:2 clearly says “carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

If you ever think about that command alone, you quickly realize it’s impossible. Carry each other’s burdens? I don’t know about you, but, in my opinion, a simple “I know how ya feel” doesn’t seem to encompass all that this command requires. If a simple, “I know how ya feel” doesn’t cut it, what about taking on the burden so heavily that you are consumed by it all hours of the day? With two very opposing options, is there something in the middle that more adequately describes this command? I decided to look into it a little further. Wesley’s Commentary says that this verse means the following:

“Sympathize with, and assist, each other, in all your weaknesses, grievances, trials. And so fulfil the law of Christ - The law of Christ (an uncommon expression) is the law of love: this our Lord peculiarly recommends; this he makes the distinguishing mark of his disciples” (

Sympathize and assist. Love. Walk alongside those that are hurting. Pray for them. Help them in any way possible. Feel sincere compassion. To me, none of that commands us to take on these burdens to the point that we are physically and emotionally sick. In fact, it does not even command that we have to do it alone.

This brings me to the next point: Even when we are burdened by others situations, we still do not have to carry those alone. First, I hope that you, as I have been, are blessed with God-fearing friends that care about you and your struggles and successes. If not, seek them out. Do not settle for superficial friends who only care about what you can offer them. Solomon shares in Ecclesiastes about a man who had gained great wealth, but finally realized that he had been depriving himself of the enjoyment that comes from true friendship and that his work was ultimately meaningless. He states, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” (Ecclesiastes 4:8-10). Friends can come along and help shoulder those heavy burdens by sympathizing, assisting, loving, and praying.

Even better than the first, however, Jesus promises to ease our burdens. In Matthew 11:28, he states “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” For those of you who don’t know what a yoke is, it is a wooden piece that goes around the neck of oxen for the purpose of pulling a plow. Sounds like rather hard work, huh? Think of how hard we have to work when we take on our own burdens and take responsibility for those. How physically and emotionally draining does it become to take on these burdens without any assistance? In light of how hard we have to work in order to do this alone, taking on Jesus’ yoke really is rest for the soul. He does not guarantee it will be easy, but I have no doubt that we can fully assume that it’s a whole heck of a lot easier than taking it on ourselves.

So even through all of these difficult situations, I can still stand and lift my hands and my voice to the Lord in praise, thanking Him for working out all things to His glory. I may not understand all of His ways. I may not fully understand why he allows these bad things to happen. But I can be assured that when I bring these situations to Him in earnest prayer, He hears me. He is working in each situation, even when I cannot see it. He knows my heart and what burdens me.

He knows your heart as well. Will you go to Him with your burdens or try to deal with them on your own? Even when you’re broken to the point of disrepair, will you not take a chance and give your burdens fully to the Lord? What do you have to lose?

To God be the ultimate glory!


  1. You are an amazing writer--these words are a good reminder for me when I look at the difficulties that my family faces back home. For so long, I wanted to be their champion; that burden got heavy really fast! Thank you for sharing your thoughts so eloquently! <3 ya!

  2. As for friendships...I am so grateful that God gifts us with friendships that are real and honest...the kind that the people get down in the mud with us and cry and laugh. Though friends are not a promise from God. They are a gift. I think of the times in the Bible when people were in solitude without anyone, like when David was in the wilderness. And I think how hard that would have been. Of course I guess He was more "spiritual" than I am and sought the Lord in his solitude. This is something I am striving to do. Go to God first, be filled and then go out sharing and hoping that others share with me their heartaches as well as their joys!

    Death to superficial friendships and death to superficial relationships with God and His Son. They aren't even worth the energy we would put into faking real friendship. If we desire real relationships with God he meets us at the point of our need! Even if that is down in the mud or naked and exposed. He is there!

    Thanks for sharing! I have more to share on the burdens part but maybe for another time before I write a book on your wall! :)
